What’s in the restricted area?
By typing user and password you enter the recipe-database with recommended mixing ratios.
How to enter the restricted area?
Fenzi gives access to those customers who bought the basic-color ranges.
if you already bought such ranges, please contact lab.aquaglass@fenzigroup.com to receive user and password.
To purchase above mentioned colors and to have more information about this service or AQUAGLASS products please contact lab.aquaglass@fenzigroup.com.
Welcome to fenzi-aquaglass.com
Fenzi is proud to introduce the new website completely focused on AQUAGLASS enamels.
Fenzi offers to the customers AQUAGLASS basic-color ranges which can be mixed to obtain RAL shades.
Curing cycle:
With Aquaglass is possible to use a variety of drying systems.
The ideal system is a tunnel outfitted by a “flash off” and IR drying (short/medium wave)
“Flash Off” Convection Air 3-4 minutes at 50/60° C depending on the color.
IR Drying 3-4 minutes at 100/120° C.
Room temperature the paint is touch dry in 20-30 minutes.
After 2/3 hours it is possible to handle the glass.
Static Drier/ Convection
7-8 minutes at 130-140° C (maximum temperature)
30-40 minutes at 70-90° C
24 hours at 35-40° C (in a controlled temperature environment).
Usually after drying in a curing tunnel, and after cooling the painted glass can be stored immediately with the normal separators – paper, pads, powder, etc.
The maximum hardness is achieved after approximately 72 hours.